Local resident’s stolen bike recovered through free BikeRegister scheme

PUBLISHED: 29 February 2024

Jean Quinn, a resident of Colchester, recently experienced the nightmare of having her bicycle stolen while shopping in Sainsbury’s in the city centre. However, thanks to the free bike registration initiative launched by the council during the EcoFestival in Castle Park, Jean’s stolen bicycle was successfully recovered, highlighting the importance of bike registration in combatting theft.

During the EcoFestival, the council offered free bike registration, encouraging residents to safeguard their bicycles against theft. Jean Quinn took advantage of this opportunity, which proved crucial when her bicycle was stolen. Despite the distressing experience, Jean and her husband embarked on a mission to reclaim her stolen bike, scouring the city centre until they found it in Queen Street.

The situation took a tense turn when another individual claimed ownership of the bicycle. However, Jean was able to provide undeniable proof of ownership by scanning the BikeRegister QR code, unequivocally demonstrating that the bike belonged to her.

This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the effectiveness of bike registration in recovering stolen bicycles. In response to this success story, the council continues to urge cyclists to take advantage of the free bike registration service available at the Bike Kitchen, located in Colchester’s city centre (Portal Precinct, off Sir Isaacs Walk).

Moreover, to further incentivise cyclists to safeguard their bikes, the Secure Bike Park adjacent to the Bike Kitchen currently offers a discounted rate, allowing cyclists to securely park their bikes for just £1 per month during the months of February and March.

Jean Quinn, a passionate advocate for cycling, emphasises the myriad benefits of this eco-friendly way of travelling. She encourages individuals to consider cycling for its convenience, affordability, and its ability to seamlessly integrate with other forms of transport, such as cars or buses.

Jean said: “Cycling has been an integral part of my life since childhood. It’s not just about transport; it’s about freedom, health, and sustainability. Registering your bike might seem like a small step, but it can make a huge difference, as my experience shows.”

Andrea Luxford-Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Sustainability at Colchester City Council, also weighed in on the importance of initiatives like the free bike registration program: “Encouraging initiatives like bike registration not only helps combat theft but also promotes environmentally friendly modes of transport. Jean’s experience highlights the tangible benefits of these efforts and reinforces our commitment to creating a greener, safer, and more sustainable Colchester.”

Page last reviewed: 29 February 2024


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