Colchester City Council Responds to ECC Bus Consultation

PUBLISHED: 12 October 2023

Colchester City Council (CCC) has issued its response to the Essex County Council (ECC) Bus Service Consultation, demonstrating its commitment to improving public transportation and sustainability within the region.

ECC is undertaking a review of local bus services which are paid for by Essex taxpayers. It does not cover services operated commercially by transport providers. The review covers all 12 districts in Essex with the view of assessing whether to continue providing the service and in what capacity, or whether to look for alternative solutions.

In its response, CCC expressed its opposition to any reduction in existing bus services that benefit residents. The council emphasised the importance of preserving these services while exploring innovative solutions to meet the community's evolving needs. CCC also requested that the recommended services under review be continually monitored, ensuring community input and participation in future decision-making.

To further promote sustainable transport options, CCC recommended that ECC set up mechanisms to identify at-risk commercial services and develop strategies to make all bus services more commercially viable. The council also called for the establishment of a long-term vision to enhance bus services, increase bus users, and provide a quality service for Colchester residents.

Cllr Andrea Luxford Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environment and Sustainability, said: “We are resolute in our commitment to sustainability and enhancing the lives of our residents. Accessible and efficient public transport plays a vital role in reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality. Our response to the ECC Bus Consultation reflects our goals to these areas.”

The CCC response aligns with the council's strategic themes, including responding to the climate emergency, improving health and wellbeing, and growing the local economy. By supporting an efficient and sustainable bus service network, CCC aims to reduce carbon emissions, tackle congestion, and enhance air quality.

The outcome of the consultation is expected in Spring 2024.

Page last reviewed: 12 October 2023


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