Consultation launched over changes to plans for Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community

PUBLISHED: 18 September 2024

Plans for a new garden community in north Essex have reached another milestone following recommendations from a Government Planning Inspector to consult the public on a series of specific changes.

The proposed 7,500-home Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community (TCBGC) is set to be located between Colchester, Ardleigh, Wivenhoe, and Elmstead Market, with development of the first homes anticipated to start in early 2027 if plans are approved.

Work is already under way on early phases of the transport infrastructure that will serve the development.
The garden community has been included as a proposal in the shared Section 1 Local Plans for both Tendring District Council (TDC) and Colchester City Council (CCC) in a bid to address the long-term need for new housing.

In May, a government-appointed Planning Inspector conducted a public hearing to review the Development Plan Document (DPD), which covers aspects such as land use, housing, infrastructure, and community facilities, for the TCBGC.

The purpose of the hearing was for the Inspector to assess the DPD to ensure it meets national tests for legal compliance and soundness; having considered evidence and the views of interested parties.

The Planning Inspector carrying out the examination has now issued a list of modifications to the DPD and the Councils have updated the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA).
The changes are now subject to a six-week consultation, which runs until October 21.

Councillor Mark Stephenson, Leader of TDC, said: “We are pleased to be working with Colchester City Council and Essex County Council on this sustainable garden community, which would provide much-needed new homes alongside essential infrastructure.

“The project has already benefitted from a lot of public engagement and consultation, but we’re still keen to hear from residents over these latest changes to the DPD.”

Councillor David King, Leader of CCC, added: "The TCBGC offers a unique opportunity to create a thriving new community on the Colchester and Tendring border.

“We welcome the planning inspector's feedback and believe the proposed modifications will strengthen the plans for the development. They are relatively modest and practical changes that suggest the planning inspector is content we’re heading in the right direction.

“We now want to invite residents to share their thoughts through the Consultation Portal before the deadline on 21 October.”

Following the consultation, the planning inspector will consider the SA, HRA and all representations made in response to the modifications.

He will then report whether the DPD is legally compliant and if it can be formally adopted by the councils. Future planning applications for the development will then be judged against the policies and requirements in the adoption DPD.

To have your say as part of the consultation, go to

Page last reviewed: 18 September 2024


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