Apply for a Road Closure

Apply for a Road Closure

If you are organising your own march, procession, parade or street party then you will ...

If you are organising your own march, procession, parade or street ...

Continue to read more about how to apply and to download the forms


Apply for a Road Closure

If you are organising your own march, procession, parade or street party then you will need to apply for a road closure. Read more information here.

Litter Warriors

Litter Warriors

Join the fight to keep the Borough safe from litter.

Join the fight to keep the Borough safe from litter.

Click here to read more information.

More Information

Litter Warriors

Join the fight to keep the Borough safe from litter.

Other things you can Apply for

Continue to choose how you would like to apply.


Advertisement Consent

For temporary notices up to 0.6 square metres as well as other small notices going up outside your property. It is advised that you check the advice on the Planning Portal before you proceed.

Advertisement Consent

Advertisement Consent

For temporary notices up to 0.6 squar...

For temporary notices up to 0.6 squar...



Appeal a benefit award decision (Reconsideration form)

If you do not agree with a decision we have made regarding your benefit award, please complete this form.

Appeal a benefit award decision (Reconsideration form)

Appeal a benefit award decision ...

If you do not agree with a decision w...

If you do not agree with a decision w...

Continue to go to the form.


Apply for a Charity Exemption

If a property is owned by a charity it can be exempt from Council Tax for up to 6 months

Apply for a Charity Exemption

Apply for a Charity Exemption

If a property is owned by a charity i...

If a property is owned by a charity i...

Continue to go to the form


Apply for a Disability Reduction

We can reduce your Council Tax if at least one person living in your home or property has a disability.

Apply for a Disability Reduction

Apply for a Disability Reduction

We can reduce your Council Tax if at ...

We can reduce your Council Tax if at ...

Continue to go the form.


Apply for a Single Person Discount

We can offer a 25% discount if you live alone, or if other people living with you do not count for Council Tax purposes.

Apply for a Single Person Discount

Apply for a Single Person Discount

We can offer a 25% discount if you li...

We can offer a 25% discount if you li...

Continue to go to the form.


Apply for a Student or Trainee Exemption/Discount

If you are a student, trainee or apprentice you will probably qualify for an exemption or reduction of your Council Tax.

Apply for a Student or Trainee Exemption/Discount

Apply for a Student or Trainee E...

If you are a student, trainee or appr...

If you are a student, trainee or appr...

Continue to go to the form.


Apply for an Annexe Discount

Some annexes may qualify for a 50% discount.

Apply for an Annexe Discount

Apply for an Annexe Discount

Some annexes may qualify for a 50% di...

Some annexes may qualify for a 50% di...

Apply for Assisted Gardening

If you are unable to maintain your garden, we provide a grass and hedge cutting service to help you out.

Apply for Assisted Gardening

Apply for Assisted Gardening

If you are unable to maintain your ga...

If you are unable to maintain your ga...

Continue to read more information and to find out if you are eligible.


Apply for Discretionary Housing Benefit

Each year we receive a limited amount of Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) funding for customers in need of some additional help with housing costs.

Apply for Discretionary Housing Benefit

Apply for Discretionary Housing ...

Each year we receive a limited amount...

Each year we receive a limited amount...

Click here to read more information.


Apply for Housing

Register for the Gateway to Homechoice Housing Register.

Apply for Housing

Apply for Housing

Register for the Gateway to Homechoic...

Register for the Gateway to Homechoic...

Continue to find out how you can apply.


Apply for Housing Benefit

How to apply for Housing Benefit.

Apply for Housing Benefit

Apply for Housing Benefit

How to apply for Housing Benefit.

How to apply for Housing Benefit.

Continue to find out how you can apply.


Apply for Local Council Tax Support

How to apply for Local Council Tax Support.

Apply for Local Council Tax Support

Apply for Local Council Tax Support

How to apply for Local Council Tax Su...

How to apply for Local Council Tax Su...

We provide a brief for each stage of the archaeological investigation and use a database to identify and assess sites at risk of damage


Archaeology Advice and Historic Environment Record

Building projects that affect scheduled monuments require special consent and planning permission.

Archaeology Advice and Historic Environment Record

Archaeology Advice and Historic ...

Building projects that affect schedul...

Building projects that affect schedul...

Our aim is to help you achieve compliance with Building Regulations whilst maintaining your original design.


Building Control Approval

Building work requires Building Control Approval and you're responsible for making sure that your building project complies with Building Regulations.

Building Control Approval

Building Control Approval

Building work requires Building Contr...

Building work requires Building Contr...

Continue to go to the form.


Business Rates Relief

Apply for rate relief including Discretionary Rate Relief, Empty Property, Mandatory Charitable Relief and Small Business Rates

Business Rates Relief

Business Rates

Apply for rate relief including Discr...

Apply for rate relief including Discr...

Continue to go to the form


Certificate of Lawfulness

If your unsure if you need planning permission, we'll provide you with an official "Yes" or "No".

Certificate of Lawfulness

Certificate of Lawfulness

If your unsure if you need planning p...

If your unsure if you need planning p...

Continue to download the application form


Change of Operator

Download the application form to transfer an operator's licence to another name.

Change of Operator

Change of Operator

Download the application form to tran...

Download the application form to tran...

Continue to download the form.


Change of Owner - Hackney Carriage vehicle

Download the application form to transfer a Hackney Carriage vehicle licence to another name.

Change of Owner - Hackney Carriage vehicle

Change of Owner - Hackney Carria...

Download the application form to tran...

Download the application form to tran...

Continue to download the application form.


Change of Owner - Private Hire Vehicle

Download the application form to transfer a Private Hire vehicle licence to another name.

Change of Owner - Private Hire Vehicle

Change of Owner - Private Hire V...

Download the application form to tran...

Download the application form to tran...

View records of Building Control Competent Persons Certificates held by us in the past 15 years.


Competent Person Certificate Register

A competent person can self-certify certain types of building work if you work in the building trade

Competent Person Certificate Register

Competent Person Certificate Reg...

A competent person can self-certify c...

A competent person can self-certify c...

Continue to go to the form.


Direct Payment Form

Benefit payments are usually paid directly to the claimant but can be paid to the landlord under some circumstances.

Direct Payment Form

Direct Payment Form

Benefit payments are usually paid dir...

Benefit payments are usually paid dir...

Continue to go to the form


Disability Reduction - Severe Mental Impairment

A reduction in Council Tax may be applicable if a person/people are severely mentally impaired.

Disability Reduction - Severe Mental Impairment

Disability Reduction - Severe Me...

A reduction in Council Tax may be app...

A reduction in Council Tax may be app...

Continue to download the application form.


Hackney Carriage - Change of vehicle

Download the form to provide us with the details of your new Hackney Carriage vehicle.

Hackney Carriage - Change of vehicle

Hackney Carriage - Change of veh...

Download the form to provide us with ...

Download the form to provide us with ...

We recommend you submit a Heads of Terms with any pre-application or planning application


Heads of Terms

For planning permission to be approved for major developments, heads of terms must be set out

Heads of Terms

Heads of Terms

For planning permission to be approve...

For planning permission to be approve...

Continue to read more


Inform us of your child care costs

If your child is 15 or under (or 16 or under with a disability) a partial deduction can be made from your income figure which is used to work out your Housing Benefit or LCTS.

Inform us of your child care costs

Inform us of your child care costs

If your child is 15 or under (or 16 o...

If your child is 15 or under (or 16 o...

Once landscape proposals for a large development have been drawn up, apply under "Discharge (Approval) of Conditions".


Landscape Consultancy

Our guidelines should be followed when drawing up landscape proposals for development sites at either the application stage or when required under a condition.

Landscape Consultancy

Landscape Consultancy

Our guidelines should be followed whe...

Our guidelines should be followed whe...

Continue to choose how you would like to apply


Listed Building Consent

If your property is a listed building you will require consent to carry out works. Apply here.

Listed Building Consent

Listed Building Consent

If your property is a listed building...

If your property is a listed building...

Continue to download the form.


Local Land Charge - CON29 "R"

A standard set of enquires used to find out other information recorded against a property or land i.e. planning history, roadways and environmental matters.

Local Land Charge - CON29 "R"

Local Land Charge - CON29 R

A standard set of enquires used to fi...

A standard set of enquires used to fi...

Continue to download the form.


Local Land Charge - LLC1

Deals with entries that have been registered in the Local Land Charges Register i.e. Renovation Grants, Tree Preservation Orders, Conditional Planning Permissions or Financial Charges.

Local Land Charge - LLC1

Local Land Charge - LLC1

Deals with entries that have been reg...

Deals with entries that have been reg...

Continue to read more


My details have changed

It is important that you let us know if your details or circumstances change it may affect your entitlement to Housing Benefit or Local Council Tax Support.

My details have changed

My details have changed

It is important that you let us know ...

It is important that you let us know ...

If you are offered a PPA, download the template to help with the project.


Planning Performance Agreement

Large, more complex planning applications are handled through a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA).

Planning Performance Agreement

Planning Performance Agreement

Large, more complex planning applicat...

Large, more complex planning applicat...

Continue to choose how you would like to apply.


Planning Permission

Choose the type of permission you need and submit your application.

Planning Permission

Planning Permission

Choose the type of permission you nee...

Choose the type of permission you nee...

Continue to go to the form.


Pre-Application Advice

Apply for professional advice before submitting a formal planning application.

Pre-Application Advice

Pre-Application Advice

Apply for professional advice before ...

Apply for professional advice before ...

Continue to download the application form.


Private Hire - Change of vehicle

Download the form to provide us with the details of your new Private Hire vehicle.

Private Hire - Change of vehicle

Private Hire - Change of vehicle

Download the form to provide us with ...

Download the form to provide us with ...

Continue to go to the form


Register or Change your Bank Details

Register or change your bank account details here.

Register or Change your Bank Details

Register or Change your Bank Det...

Register or change your bank account ...

Register or change your bank account ...

Continue to report a problem


Report a Breach of Planning Permission

Report an enforcement breach of planning permission.

Report a Breach of Planning Permission

Report a Problem

Report an enforcement breach of plann...

Report an enforcement breach of plann...

Find out how you can contact us


Report Dangerous Structure

Let us know about the safety of any structure like a building, wall, fence or loose roof tiles.

Report Dangerous Structure

Report Dangerous Structure

Let us know about the safety of any s...

Let us know about the safety of any s...

If you think a tree qualifies, you can apply to have it considered for protection.


Request a new TPO

Tree Preservation Orders can only be used to protect selected trees and woodlands if their removal would have a significant impact on the local environment and its enjoyment by the public.

Request a new TPO

Request a new TPO

Tree Preservation Orders can only be ...

Tree Preservation Orders can only be ...

Continue to enter your reference number and your password.


Return to your saved application

If you have started an application for Housing Benefit or LCTS and have saved it, you can return to it here.

Return to your saved application

Return to your saved HB or LCTS ...

If you have started an application fo...

If you have started an application fo...

Continue to go to the form.


Self Employed Earnings

If you're self employed and do not have audited accounts available from an accountant, this form will capture the necessary information the team needs to process your claim.

Self Employed Earnings

Self Employed Earnings

If you're self employed and do not ha...

If you're self employed and do not ha...



Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register

The Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 requires us to keep a register of individuals and associations of individuals who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in the Borough.

Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register

Self-Build and Custom Housebuild...

The Self-Build and Custom Housebuildi...

The Self-Build and Custom Housebuildi...

After this, we take responsibility. Apply now.


Street Name Plates

It's the responsibility of the developer to install new street name plates on new developments before they leave site and maintain them for the first year.

Street Name Plates

Street Name Plates

It's the responsibility of the develo...

It's the responsibility of the develo...

Send us an email to


Street Naming and Numbering

You can change an existing address or create an address for a new property.

Street Naming and Numbering

Street Naming and Numbering

You can change an existing address or...

You can change an existing address or...

Continue to go to the form.


Tree Works Consent

If you would like to carry out works to a tree that is protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) then you will need to apply for consent here.

Tree Works Consent

Tree Works Consent

If you would like to carry out works ...

If you would like to carry out works ...

Continue to go to the form


Apply for Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a new benefit that has started to replace six existing benefits with a single monthly payment if you are out of work or on a low income.

Apply for Universal Credit

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a new benefit tha...

Universal Credit is a new benefit tha...