Colchester Council combats ASB with multi-agency patrols

PUBLISHED: 23 August 2024

Date: 23 August 2024 


Colchester City Council have been working with the police and other partners to deter antisocial behaviour (ASB), aiming to stop it before it begins, helped by a very visible presence in the city centre. 

Stopping or reducing ASB is a top priority for the council, and working with partners to increase patrols is an effective way to combat it. Colchester City Council Neighbourhood Wardens, together with Open Road, StreetLink, Essex Police and our CCTV team, achieved the following outcomes across two weeks of patrols: 

  • A man was charged with theft and for breaching the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) 
  • More than 300 interactions with street drinkers, to educate and provide welfare checks, including nine warnings issued to disperse 
  • Eleven large fly tipping sites were cleared, as well as over five hundred fly posters and stickers removed, and seven graffiti sites cleaned 

Cllr David King, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, said:We have a great City Centre that attracts many visitors and residents. They should all be able to enjoy it without concern, untroubled by street drinking and ASB, so it is good to see such progress in our community. Our patrols and interventions are making a difference and is something we plan on continuing.” 

Cllr Natalie Sommers, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Heritage and Public Protection, said:It’s been great to witness the teamwork being displayed in the multi-agency joint patrols, cracking down on antisocial behaviour. Running these events takes a great deal of hard work and they always help reduce the number of ASB incidents, as well as help those in need. 

“Thank you to everyone who has continued to work hard on this, it’s so important that residents and visitors to our city feel safe. And to those thinking about taking part in ASB, don’t. Our patrols aren’t stopping, and anyone caught will be dealt with appropriately.” 

The council and its partners will continue to patrol areas of the city and hold regular action days to tackle ASB and street problems. Residents can report ASB online here, or contact Essex Police on 999 (in an emergency) or 101 (for a non-emergency). 

Page last reviewed: 23 August 2024


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