Celebrating 50 Years: Supporting Our Communities

PUBLISHED: 22 August 2024

Date issued: 22 August 2024

Throughout 2024, Colchester City Council is looking back on the past 50 years as it marks its golden 50-year anniversary. It is asking people from Colchester to take part in the celebrations by sharing their favourite memories, moments or places about Colchester. 
From the Seventies right through to the present day, these incredible people have been helping to shape Colchester and support the people that live here – and they’ve got some brilliant stories to share. Here are three employees from the Council that talk about their commitment to supporting Colchester’s communities.

Read Lucie Breadman’s story, who has worked for the Council for 15 years and is a Strategic Director, supporting the Council’s work to ensure it is fit for the future of our communities. She talks about how she finds her work meaningful and how what she (and the wider Council) does makes a very real difference to the people that live in the city. She said: “You won’t get rich (working in local government), and you will likely work long hours, and it can be frustrating at times, but you will have the opportunity to make a difference, and in my experience, you will meet some of the best people and role models.” Read Lucie’s story here.

Michelle Tarbun has worked for the since she finished at Stanway School, 34 years ago. She talks about how her current role as Head of Health, Partnerships and Wellbeing supports Colchester’s communities with things like digital equality, maximising income, employment advice, resettlement, increasing physical activity and many more things.  I work with Health colleagues and system partners to try and reduce inequalities in Colchester and increase healthy life expectancy. Her team make a difference to people’s lives, every single day. Read Michelle’s story here.

Clare McKeever’s has worked for the Council for 36 years in the Planning team, and she talks about how she has found a job where people are treated well, where there is an inclusive environment and there are progression opportunities. Clare enjoys her work, finds it rewarding and enjoys supporting the people of Colchester on a day-to-day basis with advice, so they have the information they need. Read Clare’s story here.

Pam Donnelly, Chief Executive at Colchester City Council, said: “We’re over halfway through our 50-year anniversary year of Colchester Council, and it’s been wonderful to read all the stories so far, many have been very moving for me as Chief Executive.

“Our golden anniversary is an opportunity to celebrate our communities and staff who have continued to be at the heart of our city through the years and have never been stronger. It’s also a great opportunity to share memories, dig our old photographs and talk about how things have changed - please get involved and share these with us.” 
The Council will continue to mark this half century by celebrating and sharing ‘Your Stories’ from staff, volunteers and residents – all who make a huge and often unseen contributions to Colchester. These stories will be celebrating the hard work of employees, volunteers and residents – all who have a passion for our great city in the past, now and in the future. If you would like to get involved, get in touch by emailing communications@colchester.gov.uk.   

Page last reviewed: 22 August 2024


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