Autumn to Spring garden waste subscriptions – you clip we collect

PUBLISHED: 5 August 2024

With autumn fast approaching, residents will be able to sign up to garden waste collections between 1 September and 31 December for a £35 joining fee and a reduced £27.50 service fee, which will cover collections until 31 March 2025.

From autumn to spring there is much to be done in the garden. Essential off-season garden tasks include deadheading flowers, managing leaf fall, pruning roses, performing lawn care and planting bulbs. By signing up to our service we can help simplify this garden maintenance by ensuring these tasks are managed effortlessly with regular, hassle-free waste collections.

The service offers convenient fortnightly pick-ups throughout the year (with a two-week break over Christmas) allowing you to focus on nurturing your garden without the added stress and time taken out to book and then visit the recycling centre.

Cllr Martin Goss, Portfolio Holder for Waste, Neighbourhoods and Leisure, said: “Our Garden Waste Subscription Service is designed to support residents in keeping their gardens tidy and well-maintained throughout the year ensuring they can concentrate on clipping, and we collect. With the convenience of our kerbside collections, residents can focus on their gardening tasks without worrying about waste disposal but know its efficiently recycled and composted.”

For residents not wishing to sign up to the service they can dispose of any unwanted garden waste at home by composting it or booking a slot online and taking it to the nearest Essex County Council Recycling Centre. Residents can also purchase discounted compost bin through Love Essex as well as take part in a free online composting course, whether they purchase a compost bin or not.
Visit Garden Waste Subscription Service to sign up online and find out more about composting and how to claim a discounted compost bin.

Page last reviewed: 5 August 2024


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