Council expands affordable housing across the city

PUBLISHED: 1 August 2024

Colchester City Council is continuing to provide high-quality, council-owned, affordable homes, as four more developments near completion.

The development in Hedge Drive, Shrub End, comprises two two-bedroom houses and one two-bedroom wheelchair accessible bungalow. At Prospero Close, Greenstead, four one-bedroom maisonettes are being delivered. The ground floor homes will have an accessible wet room. Both developments are former garage sites.

In Boxted Road, eleven three-bedroom houses and one five-bedroom house will be delivered, along with eight three-bedroom homes and three four-bedroom homes at Chesterwell. These homes are being delivered through the new build acquisitions programme. These properties are all being managed by Colchester Borough Homes. 

Finally, the Elfreda House facility in Shrub End, which was more than 55 years old, has been demolished and is being replaced by a fantastic, newly designed sheltered accommodation scheme. It includes 36 self-contained one- and two-bedroom flats, four more than previously available, each with self-contained level access bathrooms, kitchens and living room.

These council-owned homes will be let to local residents in housing need. The smaller homes will be a good opportunity for applicants wishing to downsize their home. CBH tenants will be able to benefit from a Transfer Incentive Scheme, which means they could be eligible for a cash payment for moving to a smaller property and freeing up larger family homes in the area. CBH tenants can apply to downsize at or find out more by contacting the Customer Service team at

These schemes are a significant milestone towards the council’s commitment, made back in 2019, to build 350 new council-owned properties in the city by the end of 2024, to tackle local housing need. The completion of these homes brings the total to 311 homes delivered out of the 350-target.

As part of the council’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency the council new build homes will be built to Future Homes Standard, to reduce carbon emissions, and feature air source heat pumps, double glazing, LED lighting and increased insulation levels. The new build acquired properties all have a minimum EPC B rating and properties acquired through the council’s buyback programme are refurbished, where required, to ensure the homes are energy efficient. 

Cllr Paul Smith, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “It’s brilliant to see more new homes nearing completion, including the fantastic modernised sheltered accommodation at Elfreda House, and several fully accessible properties. We are working hard to stick to our housing targets and provide homes to those in need across the city.”

The programme is being supported through grant funding from Homes England and the council’s Housing Revenue Account. This is a ring-fenced account that can only be spent on improving or increasing affordable housing.

Page last reviewed: 1 August 2024


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