New Town Bike Hub helps residents to leave car at home

PUBLISHED: 17 July 2024

Date Issued: 17 July 2024

A new Bike Hub on Old Heath Recreation Ground has quickly become a valuable resource in the community, achieving notable success since its opening earlier this year.  


The New Town Bike Hub aims to promote bike journeys, reduce car use, and provide residents with an active transport choice to improve health, wellbeing and the air we breathe. The hub's eCargo bikes are designed to carry shopping, collecting parcels and even carrying children. The community-driven initiative is run by local volunteers and supported by Colchester City Council through funding from DEFRA. 


The three available electric cargo bikes are already in regular use. This positive response underscores the community's interest in affordable, accessible, and eco-friendly transport options.  


Local resident Charlie Taylor shared his experience: "The New Town bike hub is heaven-sent. I couldn’t afford the money it costs to buy a brand new e-bike, but now I get to enjoy all the benefits of one for only £10 for the whole day. The bikes are sturdy and secure, with great braking for safety." 


Anouska Wren, another resident, explained how the bike hub has improved her daily routine: "As a non-driver with children, relying on buses has been incredibly frustrating for me. Using the electric bike with child seats has been a game changer. Not only is cycling a breeze, even with two children in tow, but it's also been possible to get to places that were previously inaccessible by bus. Due to the size of the bikes, it feels much safer than ordinary cycling, and having the extra power has left me feeling much more in control on the road." 


Another resident, who preferred to remain anonymous, noted: "I’m really looking forward to using the Benno bike. I will be taking my grandchildren to High Woods Country Park for a family picnic. I appreciate the opportunity to hire a bike on these occasions rather than owning one." 


The New Town Bike Hub is a key component in promoting cycling among Colchester residents. Replacing even one car trip a week with a bike ride can offer significant health and financial benefits. Cycling improves cardiovascular health, reduces stress, and saves on fuel costs and vehicle maintenance. 


The Bike Hub combines the offerings of a shared bike hub and the New Town Bike Kitchen which helps locals repair their bikes, New Town already has a strong cycling community and being able to hire a cargo bike for a day is a useful addition. Together, they create a space where residents can hire e-cargo bikes and receive support for cycling. 


A Bike Hub volunteer remarked, “We are very lucky to be the first Bike Hub outside of the city centre, it is great to see so many enthusiastic people wanting to use the bikes, I hope residents in other parts of Colchester get to have the same opportunity.”  


Residents interested in using the services of the New Town Bike Hub can book online through the hub's website. A short induction is required before using the service, which can be arranged for free by emailing the team via the website 


This initiative is part of a broader plan to set up shared bike hubs within a ten-minute walk of every community. Communities interested in having a bike hub in their area, are encouraged to get in touch with Colchester City Council via 


Cllr Andrea Luxford Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environment, and Sustainability, commented: "We're very excited about the success of the New Town Bike Hub. Cycling is an effective way to stay healthy and save money. I encourage everyone in Colchester to give it a try - even swapping one car trip a week for a bike ride can make a big difference."  

Page last reviewed: 17 July 2024


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