Take part in Colchester Residents’ Panel workshops

PUBLISHED: 13 June 2024

Colchester City Council is holding six Residents’ Panel Workshops in the coming weeks, which will explore the proposed plans for the iconic Jumbo Water Tower, Holy Trinity Church restoration, Castle Park play area refurbishment and provide feedback and insight for transport and sustainability projects, Local Plan Review, and a brand-new virtual reality tourism experience that will bring history to life.

Over 320 people have already been recruited from across the City of Colchester to join the panel of local people. Members take part in a rolling programme of research and consultation including regular meetings, surveys, focus groups and workshops, all aimed to help shape future developments and improve the Council’s services.

An in-person workshop is being held to explore the Holy Trinity Church restoration project, where residents can explore the history of the church and get involved in bringing the project to life. Ideas from the Resident Panel will inform the next National Lottery Heritage Fund bid; and later this year, residents will be invited to complete a survey to help shape the project.

In July, the Council is working in partnership with North Essex Heritage to further explore the visionary plans for Jumbo and seek residents’ input on engagement priorities and strategies to enhance public connections with this historic landmark.

The Castle Park play area refurbishment workshop will ask residents to input their ideas and suggestions to design this new, and much used, play area. Then in mid-July, the Council's Transport and Sustainability team would welcome residents feedback and input into several projects they are working on.

There is a very exciting opportunity in July to feed in ideas and suggestions to the brand-new virtual reality tourism experience workshop. The Council has an aspiration to reimagine Colchester’s vibrant history through new and groundbreaking technologies to create an amazing experience that will transport users back in time, offering a unique glimpse into the city’s rich history.

Lastly, the Colchester Local Plan Review workshop, in late-July, is all about placemaking. It will focus on capturing ideas and thoughts to help shape what the future developments of Colchester will look and feel like.

Feedback and comments focus from all the panel activity is fed back to decision-makers within Colchester City Council and its partners, to assist them when shaping projects and making final decisions. 
Cllr Alison Jay, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth and, Transformation for Colchester City Council, said: “The Residents’ Panel gives a voice to members of our community of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to contribute from their perspectives and ideas to help build an inclusive and vibrant city for generations to come. 
“We thank those that have come forward and welcome others with a passion for better, to help us create an inclusive and innovative city, which meets the needs of residents, both now and in the future.” 
The Panel is open to all residents in Colchester, aged 18 and over. Panel members are not required to have any prior knowledge or expertise to join, and members of minority groups are encouraged. 
Find out more or sign up to be a Resident’s Panel member on the council’s website www.colchester.gov.uk/residents-panel  or email residents.panel@colchester.gov.uk. 

Page last reviewed: 13 June 2024


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