Colchester student artwork takes centre stage on Osborne Street

PUBLISHED: 21 May 2024

Colchester City Council is thrilled to announce the official unveiling yesterday (20 May) of the Art for Osborne Street project.

This exciting initiative, launched in partnership with Colchester Sixth Form College, aims to showcase the exceptional talent of local student artists and enhance the visual appeal of Osborne Street.

The project garnered a tremendous response, attracting a diverse range of submissions – from traditional paintings and drawings to digital masterpieces. The judges were highly impressed by the creativity and talent displayed by the participating students.

The winning artworks, which were initially on display at the Level Best Café in St John's Street from 1-29 February, will now be permanently displayed on Osborne Street, adding a touch of artistic flair to the city centre.

Councillor Natalie Sommers, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Heritage and Public Protection, said: “We are incredibly proud to present these remarkable pieces on Osborne Street. This project isn't just about beautifying our city; it's about nurturing young talent, fostering appreciation for the arts, and solidifying Colchester's position as a thriving cultural hub.

“The Art for Osborne Street project exemplifies the transformative power of art. The diverse and exceptional artwork by our young artists is a true testament to their creativity and will undoubtedly inspire a sense of community pride.”

The Art for Osborne Street project is the brainchild of local resident Mr Trevor Orton. A passionate advocate for Colchester, Mr Orton has consistently proposed ideas for improving the city centre, and the concept of utilising student artwork in collaboration with the council was his initiative. He has further extended his support by sponsoring the acrylic that protects the artwork.
Pictured, L to R: Colchester Sixth Form College students Sarah Kernahan, Tara Murray, Caitlin Fraser and Miuska Shehadeh

Page last reviewed: 21 May 2024


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