Colchester’s annual Mayor Making ceremony

PUBLISHED: 13 May 2024

The annual Mayor Making ceremony, a highly anticipated event in Colchester’s civic calendar, will take place on Wednesday, 22 May 2024, and residents are invited to follow events on the council’s YouTube channel.

The traditional ceremony, held at Colchester Town Hall, will see all councillors in their robes processing to the Old Library to formally vote for the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

This year, Councillor Lesley Scott-Boutell will be sworn in as Colchester’s 191st Mayor, with her daughter, Jessica Scott-Boutell, serving as Mayoress. The new deputy Mayor will be Councillor Mike Lilley and his Deputy Mayoress will be former Councillor Lyn Barton.

During the ceremony, the new Mayor will unveil her theme for the year and announce the charities chosen to benefit from fundraising throughout her term. Following her official appointment, Councillor Scott-Boutell will take the oath, receive the symbolic robe and chains of office, and deliver a speech. The Deputy Mayor will then be similarly invested.

The ceremony concludes with councillors moving to the Council Chamber to finalise arrangements for the new municipal year, including committee memberships.

Please note that this part of the meeting will not be streamed on YouTube but an audio feed will be available on the council’s website.

The Mayor-elect, Councillor Lesley Scott-Boutell, said: “I am extremely proud and honoured to be chosen as Colchester’s next Mayor. I see this upcoming year as an exciting opportunity for bringing the community together and fostering a spirit of unity and collaboration.

“I believe Colchester has a bright future, and I’m committed to working tirelessly to make it an even more vibrant and inclusive city for all.”

The Town Watch will be present to welcome guests, including representatives from Colchester Garrison, the Mayor’s chosen charities, and other dignitaries. Due to limited space in the Old Library, residents are encouraged to follow the ceremony live on the council’s YouTube channel.

For more information on the Mayor and civic events, please visit

Page last reviewed: 13 May 2024


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