Marks Tey NP Examiners Questions 17-19 CBC response

The examiner’s further clarifying questions to Marks Tey Parish Council and Colchester Borough Council.


Examiner’s further clarifying questions to Marks Tey Parish Council and Colchester Borough Council

In considering Policy MT07, I have two supplementary questions to add to my initial list (EQ1-16, 24/8/21). I also have a further question for CBC regarding Policy MT12.

Question to the Parish Council

17. Can the Parish provide an assessment justifying the list of non-designated heritage assets to include in an appendix to the plan to support policy MT07. I realise there is descriptive content in the character assessment but there is no supporting evidence in the plan itself. For ease, this could be in tabular form setting out:

  • Identifying photo
  • Name of asset
  • Location
  • Description
  • Significance

As this information is largely available in the Character Assessment, it should be relatively straightforward to export into a summary table.

Questions to Colchester Borough Council

18. Can the CBC Conservation Team please set out their opinion regarding the list of non-designated heritage assets included in Policy MT07 and whether these are likely to be added to Colchester Borough Council’s local list.

CBC's response:

All the list of non-designated heritage assets in Marks Tey Neighbourhood Plan Policy MT07 have already been added to Colchester Borough Council’s local list. Attached a copy of the committee report recommending their addition.

19. Following adoption of the Essex Coast Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS), can CBC confirm whether the requirement of project level HRA on development in Marks Tey Parish is no longer necessary and instead development simply has to observe the requirements of the RAMS. This is implied in the supporting text to policy MT12, which was written before the RAMS was adopted, and now it and the policy needs to be updated. If CBC have a form of words they wish to see included in place of the existing it would be helpful if that was provided.

CBC's response:

CBC proposes the updated wording below to reflect the adoption of the RAMs SPD:

Essex Coast Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy

All residential development within the zones of influence of habitats sites will be required to make a financial contribution towards mitigation measures, as detailed in the Essex Coast RAMS, to avoid adverse in-combination recreational disturbance effects on habitats sites.

Below is additional text which may help with updating the supporting text if required:

The Essex Coast Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document by the Borough Council in 2019 and a Supplementary Planning Document was adopted in August 2020. It seeks to deliver the mitigation necessary to avoid the likely significant effects on the Essex Coast from the ‘in-combination’ impacts of residential development that is anticipated across Essex.

All new planning consents for housing in the Neighbourhood Area will be required to pay the tariff identified in the adopted DPD. In addition to payment of the RAMS tariff, all development sites over 100 dwellings or sites within 800m of habitats sites, should include provision of well-designed open space/green infrastructure, proportionate to its scale, to avoid likely significant effects from recreational disturbance alone.

As the examination is nearing its conclusion a response as soon as possible, ideally by Tuesday 5 October, would be very much appreciated.

Peter Biggers
Independent Examiner
28 September 2021

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