Council leaders unite to secure the future of England’s council housing

PUBLISHED: 3 September 2024

Today, in Westminster, an unprecedented cross-party alliance of over 100 council landlords, including Colchester City Council, will unveil five key solutions aimed at ensuring the future of council housing in England.

This coalition, spearheaded by Southwark Council, warns that the current council housing system is in crisis and urges the government to take immediate action to fulfil its housing commitments.

In July, 20 major council landlords released a report outlining a decade-long plan to revitalise council housing. The report, led by Southwark Council, highlights the need for policy changes and increased funding to support the new Government’s social housing goals.

The coalition warns that without swift intervention, many councils will struggle to maintain their existing housing stock, meet new improvement requirements, or build new social housing. Across the country, development projects are being delayed or cancelled, with significant repercussions for the construction industry, job market, and housing availability.

Rather than expanding housing supply, some councils may be forced to sell off existing homes just to finance investments in a shrinking portfolio of council properties.

The report recommends the new government:
  1. Establishes a fair and sustainable Housing Revenue Account (HRA) model,
  2. Reforms unsustainable Right to Buy policies.
  3. Cuts red tape around existing funding to give more flexibility to local Councils.
  4. Launches a long-term ‘Green & Decent Homes’ Programme to help improve the quality of our council housing
  5. Takes urgent action to restart stalled construction projects to prevent a downturn in the construction sector and housing market.
These proposals form part of a comprehensive plan for a "decade of renewal," a call for collaboration between local authorities and central government to stabilize Housing Revenue Accounts, modernize housing stock, and deliver a new wave of council homes.

In addition, Colchester Cabinet members will tomorrow discuss a motion approved by full council in July. This motion sets out how the council will work with the Government to pursue our local housing issues, and work with partners across North Essex to make housing a priority. The motion can be read here: Document.ashx (

Councillor David King, Leader of Colchester City Council, said: “As a council, our mission is to provide the essential services and support that our residents need to thrive. There is cross-party support for us continuing to do all we can to provide safe and affordable housing for those most at need, as many in our city depend on council housing. But the sector is under immense pressure, with rising homelessness and unfunded obligations.

“These recommendations, like our council’s agreed Motion on housing reform, offer hope for a better future for council housing in Colchester. We urge the new government to adopt these proposals and work with local government, as they have signalled, so that we can invest in the future of council housing and ensure it can continue to serve its vital role in our community.”

Page last reviewed: 3 September 2024


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