Applications to be considered at the next planning committee

In the Planning Committee, a number of major recent planning applications or controversial other types of application are discussed. Find out more here.


  • Find a list below of applications that will be considered at the next Planning Committee

Members who wish to make representations at the meeting may register to do so by e-mailing All public speakers must register before 12.00 noon on the day before the meeting.

The applications going to Planning Committee on 26 September 2024 are:


7.1  232525 -  Land at the rear of, 117 Maldon Road, Tiptree, Colchester. CO5 0PG

Full Planning Application for Demolition of Existing Builders Yard and Replacement with One Dwelling with Associated Private Amenity Space, Parking, Access and Landscaping (revised description)

View the Committee Meeting agenda

See the Planning report




















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